Never Say Never!


When hope, faith and all your waiting seems not working! Never say never!

This reminds me of a story of a friend when I was still an undergraduate. This friend of mine doesn't always attend lectures, all he could do is stay indoors, thinking from morning till night, depressed and groans about his life.

One day I was privileged to ask him some questions. Friend, what's the matter, I couldn't see you in class today neither do I see your brake light in my hostel for the past one week? This friend of mine sat me down and began to narrate his story.

After all his story, I couldn't alter a word neither do I say anything for about 10mins. It took me several minutes to say a word. I talked to him, it doesn't matter how far but what matters most is how well. Everyone has a story to tell, if you could allow me to also tell you my story it will be in another way round, but am not here to tell you my story, what am here for is to ask why you have not been coming for lectures.

Haven't tell me his story, I told him that you are already in school, this is one of the greatest advantages you have and since you've identified the problems the best thing to do is to find a better way to solve the problem at hand and be strong for success will not come until you make a move.

I couldn't say more than the above statement to my friend but believed me everything turned around for good for my friend, he couldn't hesitate but to attend lectures and do the necessary things to meet up with his assignments and the rest. We both graduated with flying colour.

Dear friend, what have you been passing through and you intend to stop giving your best or you think of giving up? Giving up is not an option and never say never.

Maybe all you need is to strategize or to change your mind-set and think positive. Never say never. It's just the matter of time, for it has not been revealed to any man neither eyes have seen what God has installed for you. When you think it's over, suddenly miracles happen.

This is your time, do not allow your present situation to determine your end. Better day ahead of you, what you have to do is to stay focused and do not allow what people say about you affect you because all what they are saying about you is just an opinion and not the fact about you. What you say about yourself matters most, think positive, say positive things about yourself, believe in yourself that you can do it and you will.

Hope it worth your time?

Better days ahead!