Living For A purpose



“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1

It is no more news that the majority of us, that is 2/3 (two third) of the world population today are living for a living sake, dried bones everywhere, people molesting themselves, no vision, no mission, no plans and no directions.

Sometimes when I’m alone with my thoughts, what bothers me most is about ladies, be it on social media or around us, we can see them all around us. Most of them cast all their cares on a man, you see a man inviting his girlfriend for dinner or lunch and before you know it, the eatery is full with 10 of her friends just to eat an awoof meal, that’s why we see single mothers everywhere.

According to statistics in the world of single mothers, Nigeria has the highest rate, why? It is because they don’t really know what they are living for, imagine a musician or a wealthy man just comes from nowhere and gives them little money to have a baby for him, that’s all, everything about their life just changes. A man who has been waiting patiently for her just got a disgrace because he doesn’t have money to keep that relationship.

From our text, Ecclesiastes 3:1 says there is time for everything under the earth. There is time for our appearance under the earth, our time is different from each other, and everyone is just rushing, wanting to meet up with her/his friend, forgetting the law of Karma.

If you ask a child at his tender age that, what do you want to become in future? What you will hear from him is that, I want to become a Doctor, Engineer etc. but when the situation of life pushes him, everything gets scattered.

Even you, my reader as a person, you’re not exempted, I’m not exempted, what are you living for? Are you living for a show or you’re living to please someone somewhere aside for your creator?

From the scripture, in the life of Joseph in Genesis 37, if you read it carefully, it talk about dreams and purpose of Joseph, verse 9 says “and he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”  We can see here that Joseph got a clear vision of where he’s going, what he needs is the strategy on how to get there. That all his brethren will bow for him because of his mighty glory.

Brethren, you must live for a purpose, not that someone from nowhere tells you to do this, tell you to do that and you’re confused, you don’t know what to do because you don’t  have a direction. Let assume you already know your purpose and what you’re living for, if someone just comes today and asks you to go in a different direction contradicting what you had already, it will be very difficult for you to answer such a person or follow his part because you already have a clear understanding of where you’re going. That person didn’t give you hints based on your vision but he’s giving you another vision which is not in-line with yours.

In an ideal sense, it is very hard to find your purpose and have a clear direction on where you’re going and what you’re to live for but I’m urging you today to come to Jesus who has all those attributes in abundance.

The book of James 1:17 makes it clear that the good gift is from above, it read thus; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, which is no variableness neither shadow of turning.” From this passage, we can see that until we come to the father who is the giver of all gifts before we can actually receive anything from Him, He’s calling today, please receive Him.

He says in the book of proverbs 3:6 “In all thy way acknowledge Him (God) and He shall direct your paths” that is to say when you cast all your cares, worries and burdens on Him, He will surely direct your ways. All what you’ve been praying for will surely come to pass if only you can acknowledge Him.

Dear friend, Jesus loves you, He wants to come into your life today so that you can find your purpose in Him, so that you can fulfil, So that you can make it in life because there’s no other way than Jesus Christ.

Talk to God in just one minute before you continue your day, He will surely answer you.

Remain blessed.