What Happens To Your Relationship(s)?

Everyone has a story to tell, but your success will determine what kind of story you will tell.

Relationships have different ways of increasing someone’s prospect, do you even have one? How well do you maintain the current one you’re into? It's doesn’t necessarily a love/romance relationship, but your relationship with the people around you, your friends, relatives, siblings, social media and even you,  yourself as a person. What kind of relationship do you keep?

Weeks back, on my way to the viewing center (Football show), I met one of football lovers, I asked him, are you not going to watch your team match? His reaction was unbearable because we do watch a football match together in a particular viewing center. This guy told me that he’s not going to watch football in the place anymore, that he didn’t mind spending much for transport to another viewing center just to watch the Chelsea match. This guy is a die hard Chelsea fan whereas I'm a Liverpool fan.

I asked him several questions why he had to stop coming to our normal place where we used to watch any match, he told me that the owner of the viewing center is a biased man, sentiment etc. he began to blast the man, narrating what happened to me.

The major thing I could hold on to is that the man used to treat some set of people as special. After all, we all paid the same amount per match. I was like, even in a viewing center, we still have some set of people that receive special treatment. Hmm, that’s the essence of a relationship.

Though the owner of the viewing center may not be aware of what is happening but because of closeness with some customers in the football show, another set of people have counted it as an offence, bias and sentiment.

In dealing with people, you may not be wrong but your method of approach may be wrong. As an individual, your relationship with yourself has something to do with your success.

Irrespective of what you have heard, read or watched about relationship, all may be true  and good but here I bring to you an Ebook titled “Relationship: The Part Way To Success” A new dimension, new way and new approaches to building and sustaining an everlasting relationship in Business, Love/Marriage relationship and Personal Development.

It is bullshit to say “Who marriage helps” whereas billions of people are successful in Business/Career/Job and Marriage/Love. 

You don't have to take one for two whereas you can take two for one. That is, you can be successful in Marriage/Love and Business/Career/Job.

This book will do more for you and you will be glad that you read the book.

This book will be launch by next week but you can pre-order for your copy now for the rate of just #1,000 only.

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